Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 1993

Christmas 1993
A QUICK update on the news at the Ellwing home.

Two kids are a bad idea.  Do not make the same mistake we did – Christmas 1993,
stop at one! One is like none; two is like twelve!

The littlest princess, Cassie, is driving her day care crazy.  She knows how to get her way. At age 4, she claims to have every ailment known to man.  This kid keeps telling her day care center that she has “intestinal problems” and they call me to come get her.  I cannot get them to understand that she is REALLY OK.  When they finally believe me, she finds a new disease.  I secretly believe that she is reading my old nursing textbooks.

Calley is also driving the day-care people crazy, but not more that me.  She screams all the time, and I mean ALL the time.  The only remedies that seem to work are 1) driving her around in the car and 2) heavy drinking.  One night, I wanted to try both together.  Steve said, “You’ll get arrested”, and my reply was, “GOOD – then I’ll get some piece and quiet for once”.  Steve informed me that I was making a bad choice.

I would love to chat more, but monster girl is screaming, and Cassie is pulling all the pans out of the cupboard.  Maybe next year…

Jake (and Steve)

Christmas 1994

Christmas 1994

Seasons Greetings!

Just a short letter to bring you up to date on the ever-exciting world of the Ellwing clan…

Cassie is now in Kindergarten.  This was a trauma, even though she is in the same day care center, the same classroom, same classmates, same teacher as all summer.  The problem is that she has to WORK! Can you imagine that?  She actually has to be productive.  She remains our princess, and is the ultimate expert in whining.  She has some kind of ailment daily. Got to love it, huh?

Calley hasn’t changed, she’s still the monster baby, one year older.  We are now in the midst of the terrible twos.  Calley will most likely be the first female pro baseball player.  She has a great arm, and is able to make toys, silverware, plates and glasses fly across the room.  We don’t do much mall shopping with Calley in tow.  She can climb out of any restraint device devised. Most times, Calley ends up having temper tantrums in the middle of the mall walkway, and it’s really hard to explain all the footprints on her back to the authorities.

Steve and I are doing will, getting older by the minute, thanks to the above-mentioned kids.  Steve’s still with the AMA.  I have a new position as  DON (Director of Nursing) with a home health agency.  My territory is Chicagoland, so I’m on the road a lot.  It’s a great job! I get to fire a lot of people!

We inherited Steve’s parent cat, Minty, this year.  Not quite sure how this happened. One day, Steve’s mom got new furniture, the next day Steve’s dad told us he was allergic.  The next thing you know...Minty’s litter box was ours!

My dog, Kid, died a couple of months ago (sniff, sniff).  I managed to last about 4 weeks dogless, then RALPH entered our life.  Ralph’s a hairball; little bundle of energy that is delightful, gentle, kind and STUPID. This dumb dog will never be housebroken.  He is just too dense.  He puts up with a lot of abuse from the children (especially Calley) and never shows any anger or retaliation.

That’s it for us.  Hope you Holidays are safe, happy and QUIET.  Have a drink on us. Better yet, have a drink for us.


Jake (Steve, Cassie, Calley)

Christmas 1995

Christmas 1995
Another Year…

It’s about time for the annual Ellwing update. BUT…before I update you on the children, let’s talk about what’s really important this holiday season…NU FOOTBALL!!!  We’re ROSEBALL bound (without the kids)for a week of parties, golf, and FOOTBALL.  Finally, the prenuptial agreement that I attend every blasted Northwestern Football game has paid off…Roses are now purple!

Now for the boring past. Yes, we still have two children, and they continue to run our lives to the point of exhaustion.  Cassie now insists on being called Cassandra (Cassandra Ann, to be exact). She is changing though.  Now she’s not the little princess, she’s the getting bigger and more demanding princess.  She has non-stop questions about boys, babies and the s _ _ word.  Now, I’m sure these questions never surfaced until I was an adult. The kid’s only 7 years old!  Obviously, she’s been hanging out with the wrong crowd!  Maybe sneaking out and partying with much older juvenile delinquents – maybe 8 or 9 years old?  What happened to my innocent baby? HELP…

Now, for the other one.  In my letters over the past two years, I have told you that Calley is a monster and was stuck at the terrible two age.  Well, she’s no longer stuck at this stage, she’s super glued to it!  There are certain places where she feels most at home during her screaming, kicking temper tantrums – and when she leaves for college, we will definitely have those holes in the floors and walls repaired.  Look in next year’s letter for either Calley’s dosage of Ritalin, or my dosage of Valium.  One or the other is sure to happen.

As for the old blond golfer I live with…still with the AMA.  It’s now been over 15 years that he’s worked there, and I think he's finally getting the hang of the job.  Steve doesn’t travel as much now (which translates to being under-foot more).

As for me…a new job.  What a surprise! I started the new job with a Health Care company last January.  We had a “Jake induced” 100% staff turnover since I took over and things are going splendidly now (at least for me).  No plans to change jobs in the near future…

So, nothing special happening in our lives.  How about you?

Jake (Cassandra Ann, Calley and Steve too).

Christmas 1996

 Christmas 1996

The dilemma lingered on all morning.  Should I do laundry, pick up the kids playroom, decorate the Christmas tree, or do the Christmas letter?  It was a painful decision…but here is the 1996 edition of the Ellwing Christmas letter.

The first thing we need to discuss is the fact that the kids are not getting any easier.  This fact is a main cause of  Steve and my distress.  We were certain that by the time they could go potty all by themselves, we should be home free!  Somewhere in the baby books, they forgot to mention the demand on the parents does not decrease- it changes.  The biggest change we are experiencing is the decrease in drinking time.  When the kids were younger, the first move we made after work was to the bar for a martini. All of a sudden this year I have “Kid Commitments”.  On Monday, we have Brownie and Daisy Girl Scout meetings (yeah, I got talked into being the leader), on Thursdays (can you believe this) Church Choir, on Fridays, Cassie has choir, and on Sundays (this one’s going to really kill you…) I teach Sunday school.  I quickly learned that it is not a good idea to teach sixteen 3rd graders about Jesus with a headache from a hangover.  Therefore, these kids are messing up our lifestyle, and we’re getting darned tired of it.

Steve has a new name: Mr. Kappa Sigma.  No kidding…ask anybody, even his boss.  It’s so bad, that he doesn’t even answer to “Winger” anymore.  So, if you call the house…that would be the actual home where his wife and kids live, not the Kappa Sigma fraternity house (an easy mistake to make, since he spends approximately the same amount of time in both places), make sure you ask for Mr. Kappa Sig.  Steve tells we the renovation of the frat house is almost completed, but I won’t be convinced until the blueprints are gone from my kitchen counter. When I enter the newly designed “hallowed halls”, then I will believe.  Steve’s still with the AMA – how boring, to keep the same job year after year.

Speaking of boring, I have been with my job for almost two years now.  Is that a record or what?  Must be the three-hour commute.  I’ll do anything for a little piece and quiet.

As for he girls – aren’t they supposed to love one another and co-exist in peaceful harmony?  Why do they fight so much? How could they be so different? Why do they need so much? Why is everything that happens in their life a tragedy? Who said having children would fulfill our lives?

Cassie is still in elementary school (3rd grade), and the reality of the real world has hit.  She has to learn her multiplication tables.  How could life be so cruel? Cassie’s in Red Rose Children’s choir, the Sears modeling club, and has two boyfriends.  She’s not yet married.

Calley is now in kindergarten. Just to get to her sister, she’s learned cursive first, so that Cassie doesn’t have anything over her.  She’s planning to learn to print at the convenience.  Her life’s goal; is to out-do Cassie at everything.  If she cannot do it better, then her mission is to taunt and tease Cassie.  Everything Calley does is calculated and plotted, so that all goes exactly to plan.  That includes her favorite game, “drive the parents nuts”.  Basically, the game goes like this: pretend you do not hear the parent until the parent’s face is bright red, then smile sweetly and say, “Did you say something?”

We’ll be at the Citrus Bowl on New Years Day. Go CATS!

Christmas 1997

Christmas 1997

Dear Friends,

Did you hear about the septuplets in Iowa?  Did you see the interviews with the parents?  Did you see their beaming faces?  Well, let me  tell them, “Just you wait!!!”  Wait ‘till the friends and neighbors bolt, and you’re left with seven whining, fighting kids all yelling “MOM, I need you NOW” at the same time.  Now that should wipe the blissful look off their faces real fast.

Now, you may wonder what the septuplets have to do with the Ellwing’s. Absolutely nothing, except our two are so adept at the art of whining and complaining that it bounces off the walls, making it seem like we have seven.

1997 is almost over. I can’t believe how quickly the days go by.  I measure time by the inches of dust over the “forever” objects in our house.  You know, the Christmas presents from last year that are still piled in the back of a closet; the toys labeled for ages 3-5 that CAN’T be tossed because “we’re going to play with that”, and of course, the wedding gifts still stashed in the china cabinet.

Steve and I have perfected a new skill this year.  We now are able to yell in stereo. We can even do this from different areas of the house.  Of course, we have our favorite phrases – like “stop it” and the ever popular, “NO”.  We are no longer swayed by the “why” question. We are parents, and as such, do not have to have any reason for why we say no. The kids love this rationale.

The girls…Calley is getting stronger, which means it really hurts when she hits and kicks.  She never stops moving, a trait that has won rave reviews with her 1st grade teacher.   Parent-Teacher conferences are not going to be boring with this kid. Cassie wants to join every activity, then wants to quit, because she finds out that she has to work, and we hear it is not “fun” anymore.  FUN?  Who said life was supposed to be fun?  Only “cool” clothes will be worn by Cassie – frayed bell-bottoms, loud shirts and clogs.  What happened to the little princess?  She’s become Cinderella, by choice.

The nursing company I work for was purchased by a British company, Rentokil.  Really…I’m not kidding.  Steve’s still with the AMA, working harder than ever.  He should do as I do, and change jobs every few years.  Changing jobs keeps employers on their  toes.  I graduated to one Brownie troop and one Junior troop; also still involved with neighborhood watch, choir, and the Sunday School program.  Recreational activities – cocktails late at night – can’t drink when the darlings are awake, or we get the “drug-free and proud” lecture.

Have a blessed year.  Love from the Ellwings.