Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 1998

Christmas 1998

Dear Friends,

As you read this letter, we are in Hawaii…with the kids…what fools!  When we planned this trip last January, Steve suggested that we leave the little darlings home, but no, I had this picture of our little family happily skipping along the Hawaiian coastline, enjoying the peace and solitude of the Islands in December.  What we have is…”I don’t want to swim in the ocean, and I don’t like this food – can’t we find a McDonalds?”  Have you noticed that mothers make this mistake a lot?  We always have hope that tomorrow will be a June Cleaver day, but when the sun rises, we are still in our MASH world!

This year’s letter is composed with heavenly  help.  My mom died in February from cancer, and has been guiding me from above ever since.  Talk about the ultimate in Parental Control…I can’t do anything without her watching me.   I say, Sorry Mom” more now than I ever did as a child.

The girls are still living with us.  Wal-Mart is mourning the loss of Cassie’s business. At age 10, she can only have clothes from “cool” stores (Limited Too) where a tee shirt costs my entire  paycheck.  Star of stage and screen, this kid has her school once again fooled into thinking she has some affliction that requires a daily visit to the nurse’s office.  When are they ever going to learn?  Calley (age 7)wears out everything; her jeans, her toys, her teachers, her parents.  She is truly our little “bug”, buzzing from one activity to the next, stopping only long enough to irritate her big sister.  She has a wonderful (and cute) male teacher this year, and is doing surprisingly well in school.  The girls have found a hobby, English style horseback riding.  They chose this activity for one reason only – it costs more than any other hobby.  “Mom, don’t forget your checkbook.”  Steve hoped by next year’s letter we will be reporting that the girls have taken up journalism as their hobby instead.

Steve is still with the AMA.  I am still with the nursing supplemental staffing company.  We are both tired of our 3 hour per day commutes, but we have no other talents, so we had better stay put for now!  Steve and I have both lost weight this year, and our floor doesn’t creak as much now.  Steve’s still involved with his fraternity, golf and Northwestern.  I am still doing the Brownie and Junior Girl Scout troops, Sunday School and Church Choir.

Best Wishes from our happy household.  Have a wonderful new year.

Jake (Steve, Cassie and Calley too)

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