Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 2000

Christmas 2000
Greetings from the Ellwing Family
Year 2000 – The Odyssey Continues…

BOYCOTT OUTBACK STEAK HOUSE!  We were robbed! How could the Bowl Committee take Ohio State over Northwestern?  We hope no OSU fans show up.

Cassie and Calley went to one football game with us. They each took one friend. After the game, they decided to look at the vendor booths outside the stadium.  Of course, they didn’t come back.  After about an hour, our tailgating group stopped tailgating to search for the kids.  Nope. Gone. Just as I was wondering how I was going to explain the loss of their friends’ to the parents “remember your daughter…” they showed up. NU fans, you won’t be seeing the Ellwing girls at the football games for a long, long time!

Calley continues to amaze us.  How many other parents can wake their child up, only to hear those first beautiful words, “I feel like killing someone”.  Of course, being the compassionate parent that I am; I always ask, “Who would you like to kill?” Cassie is the winner! I peek in at Cassie- asleep…not dead…it is going to be a good day!

Cassie has decided that she is going to be an Opera Singer. NOW! Therefore she has no need to go to school.  She is going to sing her way though life.  I must have been out of the house  when Sony and Columbia came to sign Cassie to a million dollar contract, so for now, she’ll have to go to school just like all the other kids in America.  I’m convinced that there’s something about the artistic mind that works differently – in her world, there is more drama and turmoil than in my world.  I just want to say, “Get a grip – in real life we work hard to get nowhere”!

I’ve got a new job!  Here’s how I explained the change to Steve: “Honey, remember my bonus last year?  Well, my salary this year will be less that my bonus was last year…Steve…are you OK?…Steve…honey…” I’m taking sort of a sabbatical from the high stress corporate world and playing School Nurse for a year.  It’s great – I’m able to be around for the kids more, and the stress level is drastically down.  It’s only a one-year contract, so I’ll be looking again – after summer break, of course. Steve thinks I need a summer job, so he has contacted the local golf course.  He thinks I’d make a good beverage girl. He explained it this way, “then you could play golf all summer for free”. Yep, I’m certain it’s my free golf he’s concerned about.  I’m sure Steve  never considered that he would be able to play free also!  What a considerate guy, to offer to watch the kids while I play golf all summer!…What? He didn’t offer to watch the kids while I play? I’m sure he did…he didn’t?

Steve and I have learned something. We don’t like the job of parenting. We like our kids (usually), but I think the job stinks.  People thinking of having kids should be required to read the job description first!  Make sure you get past the Cute Infant section, and obtain legal council before proceeding to the school age child and pre-adolescent section.

Steve is still with the AMA.  Now and forever, AMEN.

Jake et al

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