Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 1997

Christmas 1997

Dear Friends,

Did you hear about the septuplets in Iowa?  Did you see the interviews with the parents?  Did you see their beaming faces?  Well, let me  tell them, “Just you wait!!!”  Wait ‘till the friends and neighbors bolt, and you’re left with seven whining, fighting kids all yelling “MOM, I need you NOW” at the same time.  Now that should wipe the blissful look off their faces real fast.

Now, you may wonder what the septuplets have to do with the Ellwing’s. Absolutely nothing, except our two are so adept at the art of whining and complaining that it bounces off the walls, making it seem like we have seven.

1997 is almost over. I can’t believe how quickly the days go by.  I measure time by the inches of dust over the “forever” objects in our house.  You know, the Christmas presents from last year that are still piled in the back of a closet; the toys labeled for ages 3-5 that CAN’T be tossed because “we’re going to play with that”, and of course, the wedding gifts still stashed in the china cabinet.

Steve and I have perfected a new skill this year.  We now are able to yell in stereo. We can even do this from different areas of the house.  Of course, we have our favorite phrases – like “stop it” and the ever popular, “NO”.  We are no longer swayed by the “why” question. We are parents, and as such, do not have to have any reason for why we say no. The kids love this rationale.

The girls…Calley is getting stronger, which means it really hurts when she hits and kicks.  She never stops moving, a trait that has won rave reviews with her 1st grade teacher.   Parent-Teacher conferences are not going to be boring with this kid. Cassie wants to join every activity, then wants to quit, because she finds out that she has to work, and we hear it is not “fun” anymore.  FUN?  Who said life was supposed to be fun?  Only “cool” clothes will be worn by Cassie – frayed bell-bottoms, loud shirts and clogs.  What happened to the little princess?  She’s become Cinderella, by choice.

The nursing company I work for was purchased by a British company, Rentokil.  Really…I’m not kidding.  Steve’s still with the AMA, working harder than ever.  He should do as I do, and change jobs every few years.  Changing jobs keeps employers on their  toes.  I graduated to one Brownie troop and one Junior troop; also still involved with neighborhood watch, choir, and the Sunday School program.  Recreational activities – cocktails late at night – can’t drink when the darlings are awake, or we get the “drug-free and proud” lecture.

Have a blessed year.  Love from the Ellwings.

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