Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 2003

December 2003

For those of you who have been wondering from last year’s letter, I decided to give up on the toilet training of the cat. Between the girls and their friends putting the toilet seat lid down, Steve calling for “Jake” just as I got the cat on the toilet seat, and the cat’s dislike for the “splash” of water when she pooped – it seemed easier to just wave the white flag, and return to a world of litter crunching under our feet.

On March 20, 2003, I woke and started the shower as usual, but there was no hot water.  I instructed Steve to get his buns down into the basement and re-light the pilot light. He went downstairs, but didn’t have to venture too far to see there was a major problem.  You see, on this date, our county went to war with Saddam Hussein, and our washing machine went to war with us. While we were asleep, the washer filled up by itself, the ‘full’ sensor malfunctioned, and the washer did not stop filling. The first floor and basement were flooded when we woke up. We both took a “sick” day (we were truly sick), and worked all day cleaning up the soggy mess. We borrowed fans from all our neighbors, and had the fans and two de-humidifiers running 24/7. We silently watched our new Wilsonart floor (pattern discontinued last year) warp before our eyes.  Did you know that Wilsonart can withstand burns, dropped bowling balls, and any stain? Yep, but no mention of washing machines that go kaput!

In April we had a lovely family vacation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Gusts of wind and huge waves made Steve’s planned snorkeling expedition impossible.  No matter, because Calley was having a great time riding the waves. She’s so light that she could easily jump up and ride the waves into shore. We insisted – “Calley, it’s time to go back to the hotel”, so she rode in for the “last time”. Calley saw what looked to be a beautiful inflatable dolphin toy that came to shore with her – oblong blue, with purple “fins”. “Look Mom”… before I could finish the “don’t tou…ch”, she was stung on the finger. Long tentacles wrapped around her legs, and she started screaming in pain.  She was “playing” with a Portuguese Man-o-War, whose sting is almost equal to a cobra bite. While I restrained her, the Life Guards poured vinegar over her, and we literally iced her down on the beach.  I sent Steve (who also got stung trying to rescue Calley) to the hotel to get the epi-pen, and some Benedryl.  We waited to see if she went into shock (her pulse was racing).  After awhile, her pulse and respirations slowed down, and although in great pain, managed to get back to the hotel.  There is no anti-venom for the toxins from the Man-o-War.  Calley was burning up with a Man-o-War induced fever on the plane back to Chicago the next day. I was frantic, but Calley didn’t mind; she said it felt like a nice warm blanket surrounding her. The poor kid had fever, muscle pain, stiffness, and joint pain for weeks. Of course, our pediatrician had no idea of what to do, since you just don’t find too many Portuguese Man-o-War in April in Chicago!    

On May 20, I received a panicked called from the High School.   “Cassie collapsed during an assembly, and we can’t wake her up”. I figured she was sleeping because she didn’t want to do her gym make-up at the end of the school day.  The school officials called the paramedics.  I drove to school and found Cassie in the nurse’s office – unresponsive, then able to mumble an answer to an occasional question and then fall back asleep, then again unresponsive. Cassie noticed that she forgot to take her medicine the past night, and thought she would “catch up” by taking her night and day pills together.  That meant she had more than twice the amount of medications in her that she usually does at school.  She was TOTALLY stoned!  I thanked the paramedics, but didn’t want her transported to the hospital as “overdoses” are admitted to the psych ward for observation.  Before the Vice Principal and I took her out via wheelchair to the car, I stopped in at the Dean's office to ask if Cassie was better, could I bring her back for the PE make-up. The Dean and Vice Principal looked at me as if I were loopy as we poured the Jell-O-Girl into my car. “NO” was their answer.  I took her to work and had one of the teachers assist me in rolling her to a cot, where she “slept it off” for the next five hours! (She could have made it back for the PE make-up!)

For a little relief, we sent the girls went off to camp in June.  I was given one assignment. “Mom, you are in charge of Tiggy.”  No problem, I can do that!  Every day, I call the cat, and she always comes right away.  On the 18th, I couldn’t find kitty-cat Tiggy anywhere. No kitty noise, no kitty in all the usual hiding places.  Great, the stupid cat got out, and Cassie and Calley are going to KILL me!  Finally, after searching the neighborhood, I found her. She had climbed up the back porch screening and was wedged in the roof. She was terrified, and had all 4-clawed paws imbedded in the wood of the porch.  I finally got her out, and cooled her off in the shower.  Have you ever tried putting a cat in the shower…?
While Cassie and Calley were in camp, I decided to clean Calley’s room.   Among other items, the following were found:  Burnt goggles, matches (with which to burn the goggles), two pocket knives, power screwdriver, drill and drill bits, wood with holes drilled into them, 5 tweezers, Cassie’s “My Twinn” doll with a needle stuck into and taped onto the arm. It’s always an adventure when I tackle Calley’s room!

Steve surprised me on the weekend of our anniversary.  “Pack your bags, Jake, we’re going on an Alaskan Cruise over the 4th of July!” WHAT!! The Fourth was less than one week away! Instead of being excited, I was horrified. One week! What will I do about the kids, dog, cat, birds, fish, house, laundry and what about my job??? Steve was flabbergasted – he actually expected me to be happy about a week on a cruise ship. MEN!!! After scrambling to put everything in place, we did go on the cruise, and we had a delightful time!  I’ll kill Steve if he ever tries to do something that nice for me again!

In October, I decided to dye my hair at 6:00 AM. After all, I had an hour before Cassie needs to go to school for Algebra help.   “Mom, where are my jeans? “Mom, I can’t find my hoodie”, “Mom, could you get me some breakfast?” “Mom, The dog threw up!”  Before I knew it, it was 6:55AM, and I have no time to rinse out the dye. OK, I’ll just run Cassie to school, and rinse out my hair when I get home.  When I got home, Calley tells me Cassie called, and she is waiting outside school for me because she needs money for a tee shirt. I tell Calley she ABSOLUTELY needs to get her shoes, socks and coat on, and go to the bus stop. Yes, the dye is still in my hair.  I drive back to Mundelein High School, and give Cassie her $13.50.  On way home, the man in the car next to me honks his horn, and gestures for me to roll down the window.  He asked me who the Kappa Sig @ NU is  (window sticker).  I tell him “my husband” (don’t want him to know the name, as my head is full of hair dye, and my shirt had dye splattered on it).  He say’s ‘me too”. Thankfully, just as he was going to ask me my name, the traffic light turns green, and I screech off.  Finally, I get back to our subdivision.  As I scream around the corner, there is Calley standing at the bottom of the driveway.   Mom: “What are you doing?” Calley: “Missed the bus.” Mom:  “Sigh,” “Get in,” and drive her to school.  Dye time on package: 30 min.  Dye time actual, 2 hours, 5 minutes! Amazingly, I’m not bald!

On October 25, it was Northwestern’s Homecoming and Steve’s 30th reunion. We spent the day and evening in Evanston.  Calley was home alone. Here’s how the house looked after I got home:
November 4, 2003- I left work @ 3: 45 PM to pick up Calley up at 4:30 PM at school after her percussion lesson.  Cassie called while I was in route and said Calley called and said she was walking home, and would be home soon. I asked Cassie about drum lessons – response, “ I don’t know”…  Decided to pick up Calley as she walked home, and take her to her lesson… Didn’t find Calley…  Went home… Calley not there…  Went to check if she was at percussion lesson – found teacher practicing in practice room, because Calley never showed for her lesson… Took route home again… no Calley at home… Went back out to find Calley, as it was raining with thunder and lightning…  No Calley…  Back home – no Calley…  Went back out, this time checking places on route like the park, gas stations and Seven-Eleven – no Calley…Back home – spoke to Cassie – what EXACTLY did Calley say?  Cassie – she said she was “helping someone who’s lost”…  Thinking at this time pedophile or kidnapping… back out – searching every possible route home…  Now it’s getting dark, and I’m terrified.  I didn’t check the library- went to the library, no Calley…  Caller ID – where did Calley call Cassie from?  Re-dialed, got voice mail – asked the voice mail, “who are you”, “where’s my daughter,” “please call me back”…Tried again – same…  Found Calley’s current school picture for the “missing child” report.  Plan – one last trip to school, and then call 911…  As I was leaving, a police car pulls up into driveway with Calley in the back seat. “Where have you BEEN”??? Apparently, Calley found an elderly Korean woman wandering around, who had Alzheimer’s.  The woman didn’t know who she was or where she lived.  Calley stopped a car with a mom and three kids in it, and asked for help. They were unable to figure out where the Korean woman lived, and called the police.  The elderly woman refused to go with the police or the Good Samaritan who stopped – she would only go with Calley.  So, Calley got in the Police car, and they drove around until they found someone who knew the elderly woman.  They found her house, and then the police brought Calley home. She is a star! I have more gray hairs.

For all of you who have heard me say, “No child of mine will ever be a cheerleader”:            
Meet Calley, a member of the Libertyville Lightning All-Star Cheerleading squad! Of course, she’s a “flyer” (the kid that gets thrown and breaks bones).

Yesterday, Calley made us a "dessert drink" of coffee, Hershey's syrup, vanilla and cream.  It looked really delicious, especially the two packages of coffee grounds that she put in the "drink".  I told her Steve and I can't have coffee tonight, because it will keep us awake, but we will drink it in the morning.  As soon as she falls asleep... the potion will be tossed.

As always, it’s boring here at 1650 Castillian Way.

THANK YOU to all my wonderful friends who again sponsored me for the AVON Breast Cancer Walk.  I apologize for not sending out Thank You letters after the event.  I tore a ligament in my ankle, and walked on the injury for another 10 miles.  What a brainless move! I promise to be more careful at this year’s walk.  Oops, did I mention I was walking again this year?  Yep, if I am fortunate enough to get the $2,000 in pledges this year.  I’m so committed to find a way to treat and ultimately stop this deadly killer of both women and men.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Jake (Steve, Cassie and Calley)

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