Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 1994

Christmas 1994

Seasons Greetings!

Just a short letter to bring you up to date on the ever-exciting world of the Ellwing clan…

Cassie is now in Kindergarten.  This was a trauma, even though she is in the same day care center, the same classroom, same classmates, same teacher as all summer.  The problem is that she has to WORK! Can you imagine that?  She actually has to be productive.  She remains our princess, and is the ultimate expert in whining.  She has some kind of ailment daily. Got to love it, huh?

Calley hasn’t changed, she’s still the monster baby, one year older.  We are now in the midst of the terrible twos.  Calley will most likely be the first female pro baseball player.  She has a great arm, and is able to make toys, silverware, plates and glasses fly across the room.  We don’t do much mall shopping with Calley in tow.  She can climb out of any restraint device devised. Most times, Calley ends up having temper tantrums in the middle of the mall walkway, and it’s really hard to explain all the footprints on her back to the authorities.

Steve and I are doing will, getting older by the minute, thanks to the above-mentioned kids.  Steve’s still with the AMA.  I have a new position as  DON (Director of Nursing) with a home health agency.  My territory is Chicagoland, so I’m on the road a lot.  It’s a great job! I get to fire a lot of people!

We inherited Steve’s parent cat, Minty, this year.  Not quite sure how this happened. One day, Steve’s mom got new furniture, the next day Steve’s dad told us he was allergic.  The next thing you know...Minty’s litter box was ours!

My dog, Kid, died a couple of months ago (sniff, sniff).  I managed to last about 4 weeks dogless, then RALPH entered our life.  Ralph’s a hairball; little bundle of energy that is delightful, gentle, kind and STUPID. This dumb dog will never be housebroken.  He is just too dense.  He puts up with a lot of abuse from the children (especially Calley) and never shows any anger or retaliation.

That’s it for us.  Hope you Holidays are safe, happy and QUIET.  Have a drink on us. Better yet, have a drink for us.


Jake (Steve, Cassie, Calley)

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