Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 1995

Christmas 1995
Another Year…

It’s about time for the annual Ellwing update. BUT…before I update you on the children, let’s talk about what’s really important this holiday season…NU FOOTBALL!!!  We’re ROSEBALL bound (without the kids)for a week of parties, golf, and FOOTBALL.  Finally, the prenuptial agreement that I attend every blasted Northwestern Football game has paid off…Roses are now purple!

Now for the boring past. Yes, we still have two children, and they continue to run our lives to the point of exhaustion.  Cassie now insists on being called Cassandra (Cassandra Ann, to be exact). She is changing though.  Now she’s not the little princess, she’s the getting bigger and more demanding princess.  She has non-stop questions about boys, babies and the s _ _ word.  Now, I’m sure these questions never surfaced until I was an adult. The kid’s only 7 years old!  Obviously, she’s been hanging out with the wrong crowd!  Maybe sneaking out and partying with much older juvenile delinquents – maybe 8 or 9 years old?  What happened to my innocent baby? HELP…

Now, for the other one.  In my letters over the past two years, I have told you that Calley is a monster and was stuck at the terrible two age.  Well, she’s no longer stuck at this stage, she’s super glued to it!  There are certain places where she feels most at home during her screaming, kicking temper tantrums – and when she leaves for college, we will definitely have those holes in the floors and walls repaired.  Look in next year’s letter for either Calley’s dosage of Ritalin, or my dosage of Valium.  One or the other is sure to happen.

As for the old blond golfer I live with…still with the AMA.  It’s now been over 15 years that he’s worked there, and I think he's finally getting the hang of the job.  Steve doesn’t travel as much now (which translates to being under-foot more).

As for me…a new job.  What a surprise! I started the new job with a Health Care company last January.  We had a “Jake induced” 100% staff turnover since I took over and things are going splendidly now (at least for me).  No plans to change jobs in the near future…

So, nothing special happening in our lives.  How about you?

Jake (Cassandra Ann, Calley and Steve too).

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