Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 1993

Christmas 1993
A QUICK update on the news at the Ellwing home.

Two kids are a bad idea.  Do not make the same mistake we did – Christmas 1993,
stop at one! One is like none; two is like twelve!

The littlest princess, Cassie, is driving her day care crazy.  She knows how to get her way. At age 4, she claims to have every ailment known to man.  This kid keeps telling her day care center that she has “intestinal problems” and they call me to come get her.  I cannot get them to understand that she is REALLY OK.  When they finally believe me, she finds a new disease.  I secretly believe that she is reading my old nursing textbooks.

Calley is also driving the day-care people crazy, but not more that me.  She screams all the time, and I mean ALL the time.  The only remedies that seem to work are 1) driving her around in the car and 2) heavy drinking.  One night, I wanted to try both together.  Steve said, “You’ll get arrested”, and my reply was, “GOOD – then I’ll get some piece and quiet for once”.  Steve informed me that I was making a bad choice.

I would love to chat more, but monster girl is screaming, and Cassie is pulling all the pans out of the cupboard.  Maybe next year…

Jake (and Steve)

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